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  • CoyDay

    01/20/2009 | Coy Day, N5OK, Resigns from ARRL Board of Directors

    After more than 12 years as a member of the ARRL Board of Directors -- 10 of them as West Gulf Division Director -- Coy Day, N5OK, announced that he is resigning from ARRL elected office, effective January 20. Per the ARRL Articles of Association
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  • Tom Kneitel, W4XAA, SK

    08/25/2008 | Prolific Author Tom Kneitel, W4XAA SK

    Tom Kneitel, W4XAA, better known to hams by his previous call sign K2AES, died August 22 at age 75. He lived in DeLand, Florida, where he and his wife Judy had moved in 2004.
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